Will Dry Cleaning Remove Bad Smells From Clothes?

Jul 29, 2024Uncategorized0 comments

Clothes can really hold on to odors, even when you spritz them with perfume or treat them with fabric conditioner. It’s something expected though since you wear them to work, to run errands, and whenever you go out. And the outside environment can expose your wardrobe to a lot of things – cigarette smoke, vehicle exhaust, pollution, food odors, and more. So yes, these smells can cling to your fabrics, making your clothing pieces less pleasant to wear and more difficult to clean.

Is there something you can do to get rid of these stubborn smells? You bet there is, and not simply through laundry detergent, but through something more specialized. We’re talking about professional dry cleaning!

How effective is this method or what types of odors can it remove? We’ll find out in this article!

Why Do Clothes Hold On to Bad Smells?

If you’ve ever wondered why, after a long day, your clothes still have the unpleasant smell of everywhere you’ve been, there’s an explanation for that.

One major factor is the type of fabric. You see, fabrics are not just passive materials. For instance, a cozy wool sweater or a breathable cotton shirt has its own unique properties that can either attract or repel different substances, including odors. Natural fibers like linen, wool, and cotton are porous, which means they have tiny spaces that can trap odor-causing particles from sweat, oils, smoke, and cooking fumes. Synthetic fibers, while less absorbent, can still hold odors due to chemical treatments and texture, making them difficult to remove with just regular washing.

Another reason is the presence of oils and sweat from our bodies. When we wear clothes, especially close-fitting garments, our skin transfers oils and sweat to the fabric. Over time, these substances can break down and produce unpleasant smells, which are particularly challenging to eliminate completely.

Environmental factors play a big role, too. Humidity can worsen the problem by locking in scents and preventing them from evaporating. Meanwhile, storing clothes in confined spaces like a plastic bag or a crowded closet can amplify these smells, as there’s little air circulation to help disperse them.

Common Smells Dry Cleaning Can Tackle

When it comes to keeping your wardrobe fresh, dry cleaning offers a robust solution for eliminating stubborn odors, and that’s on top of effectively removing stains. These aren’t just the everyday scents a quick spin in the washing machine can remove. We’re talking about deep-seated smells that linger despite your best efforts.

1) Body Odor and Sweat

Everyone sweats, but when sweat seeps into the fibers of your clothing items, it can leave a lingering smell that seems impossible to shake. Dry cleaning uses solvents that are specifically designed to dissolve the oils and residues sweat leaves behind, removing the source of the odor rather than just masking it.

2) Smoke and Environmental Pollutants

Whether it’s from a bonfire, cigarette smoke, or urban pollution, these potent odors have a way of clinging to your clothes. Dry cleaning solvents break down these complex molecules, effectively clearing the air trapped within your garments.

3) Food and Cooking Smells

Love to cook but hate smelling like your kitchen? Spices, oils, and other cooking aromas are wonderful until they embed themselves in your dress shirt or even tablecloths and household linens. Dry cleaning can help strip away these odorous particles, restoring those items to their unscented state.

4) Pet Odors

Pet lovers know furry friends can leave behind more than just hair on clothing. From that distinctive ‘wet dog’ smell to other pet-related odors, dry cleaning can address these nuisances by treating and neutralizing the odors at a molecular level.

5) Mildew and Mustiness

Clothes left damp or stored improperly often develop a musty or mildew smell. Dry cleaning not only removes these odors but can also prevent their return by ensuring garments are completely dry and free from moisture-trapping residues.

How Often Should You Dry Clean to Prevent Odors?

Deciding how often to dry clean your clothes is crucial not just for maintaining their appearance, but also for odor prevention. Regular dry cleaning can help manage and eliminate odors that accumulate with everyday wear. But how frequent should these visits be to the dry cleaner?

Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

01 – Consider the Fabric Type

Different materials have different needs when it comes to care. Delicate fabrics like silk, wool, and certain synthetics benefit from less frequent cleanings to preserve their texture and color, while more durable fabrics might withstand more regular dry cleaning. Always check the care label and consult with your dry cleaner about the best schedule for each type of fabric.

02 – Assess Your Usage

How often you wear an item and the environment in which it’s worn greatly influence how frequently it should be cleaned. Daily wear items like dress shirts or office wear might need dry cleaning more often than a special occasion suit or dress. If you wear clothes in smoke-filled rooms, near kitchens, or in high-pollution areas, they might require more frequent cleaning to eliminate embedded odors.

03 – Seasonal Considerations

Seasonal changes can also dictate dry cleaning frequency. Heavier garments worn in winter, such as coats and woolen suits, can be cleaned less frequently if they aren’t exposed to direct odors or stains. However, lighter summer fabrics may absorb sweat and body oils more readily, necessitating more frequent cleaning.

04 – Follow Expert Recommendations

Your local dry cleaner can provide personalized advice based on the types of garments you have and your particular lifestyle. Establishing a regular cleaning schedule with a trusted professional ensures your clothes are always ready and fresh, without the risk of damage from too much cleaning.

Get Rid of Stubborn Odors with Faulkner’s Fine Dry Cleaning – Contact Us!

Any time you’re unsure how to properly wash something and get rid of stubborn odors, send it right off to us at Faulkner’s Fine Dry Cleaning. Serving the Dallas, Texas area with exceptional customer service, we specialize in removing even the most stubborn smells from all types of clothing. Whether it’s smoke, pet smells, or anything in between, our team is equipped to handle it all.

You can reach out to our friendly customer service team via email at info@faulknercleaners.com or give us a call.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are dry cleaning solvents environmentally friendly?

Dry cleaning solvents have evolved significantly over the years, and several environmentally friendly options are now available. Examples of greener alternatives are hydrocarbon solvents, liquid silicone, and CO2 cleaning. These newer solvents are less toxic, more biodegradable, and have a lower environmental impact compared to Perc.

What other garments are best suited for dry cleaning?

Dry cleaning is particularly beneficial for garments that are delicate, prone to shrinkage, or can lose their shape or color when washed with water. Specific items that often require dry cleaning include wedding dresses, suede and leather items, structured pieces like blazers and suits, and anything with a “dry clean only” tag.

Does dry cleaning remove odors from other textiles?

Yes, dry cleaning is effective at removing odors from a wide range of textiles beyond just clothing. This includes household items like curtains, upholstery, and area rugs, which can absorb odors from cooking, smoke, pets, and daily life.